The Story
Founded in 1952, Link Interactive is one of the most trusted names in the security field. As a result, the company was receiving a lot of web leads - but it found its sales team constantly busy and lacking the ability to follow up with hot prospects. They brought in Leverly to stop leads slipping through the cracks...
The Struggle
Founded in 1952, Link Interactive is one of the most trusted names in the security field. As a result, the company was receiving a lot of web leads - but it found its sales team constantly busy and lacking the ability to follow up with hot prospects. They brought in Leverly to stop leads slipping through the cracks...
The company recognized that leads were slipping through the cracks and being wasted as a result of slow follow-up. Prospects would often go days without a call and, by the time they did hear back, were as cold as ice. The missed revenue opportunities for Link Interactive were alarming...
The Strategy
At Leverly, we know two crucial bits of information about lead follow-up. 78% of prospects buy from the first company they speak to. And your conversion chances decrease by 400% if you take more than a minute to call them. Pretty scary, right? Luckily, we knew how to boost Link’s performance.
By notifying sales reps immediately when a lead was received (and allowing them to dial with just one button) we could ensure prospects were contacted as quickly as possible. Integrating our software with Salesforce meant reps could access lead information instantly with a real-time view of progress.
The Success
After just two months with our fully-customized solution, Link Interactive has enjoyed a spike in sales, with response time and follow-up frequency better than ever. On average, the connection rate of their sales team is now at 90% - especially for calls 2-5. Speed and persistence are key after all!
To drive their business even further forward, Link is now testing a Leverly texting feature that sends the lead’s contact information to a salesperson’s cell phone and computer the same time they receive a phone call. They’re well on their way to a fully optimized lead generation process that boosts their bottom line.