The Story
With 150 locations across North America, MaidPro is a leader in professional, customized house cleaning. Their Boston office was used to getting leads, but an outdated, manual system of lead response was slow and ineffective when it came to converting them to sales. Enter Leverly...
The Struggle
People all across Boston had a keen interest in the house cleaning services Maid Pro were offering. So much so, that the company would receive more than 1,000 enquiries every month about hiring a professional cleaner. But the sales team was just unable to convert many leads into paying customers.
The Strategy
To give the sales team the best chance of converting leads into customers, we set up our automated lead-response software and added it to Maid Pro’s follow-up process. Rather than dial once and then give up, reps would get a reminder to call up to SIX times before throwing in the towel.
If they missed a hot lead, Leverly would remind the reps to follow-up with a single button. And all those potential customers who weren’t available the first time around? Well, they wouldn’t just go to waste without a second thought. We knew that persistence could be the key to boosting Maid Pro’s performance.
The Success
With our fully-customized solution, Maid Pro saw some incredible results after signing on for the Leverly follow-up service. In the 3 years we’ve worked together, company sales have grown by 25%! That sounds a lot (it is!) but it’s no surprise when you think about the reasons behind the increase.
Of those 1,000 enquiries each month, Maid Pro now has a 95% success rate in reaching callers within four attempts. Persistence drives performance, right? MaidPro has embraced our “set it and forget it” approach, and the company is producing at a much higher rate than it ever thought possible.