HTTP Post in a Campaign Sequence

An HTTP Post is used to send information from Infusionsoft to a web page that runs a script (e.g., ASP, PHP, Javascript.) which extracts data from the URL and processes it on your web server.

Only standard port numbers are supported! Infusionsoft does not post to non-standard ports. Supported ports are 80, 8080, 8443, 443.

Each HTTP post object must be configured individually. They cannot be re-used in multiple sequences or at more than one point in the same sequence. HTTP post objects are not archived. If you delete an HTTP Post object from a sequence, it can only be restored if you restore a previous version of the entire campaign.

To Configure the Send HTTP Post Object

  1. Go to Marketing > Campaign Builder in the master navigation menu.
  2. Click on the name of the campaign you wish to edit or create a new campaign.
  3. Double-click on the campaign sequence you wish to edit or create a new campaign sequence.
  4. After the Send HTTP Post process object has been added to the sequence canvas, double-click on it to configure the post settings.
  5. Enter the post URL. This is where the external web server script is hosted.
  6. Click Merge to access the Infusionsoft fields you can post. Each line item of the HTTP Post will send 2 pieces of information to the URL: a field name and a field value. 

    * Name: The field name can be defined by you. This flexibility allows you to use existing scripts and/or comply with external API standards. If there is no need to comply with external standards, you may use the default Infusionsoft field names for standard or custom fields.

    * Value: The value is the content of the field. For example, the standard field named ‘Email’ might have the value ‘’ You must use an Infusionsoft merge field to designate the value to be pulled. 
  7. You can add multiple lines of Name / Value pairs. The CustomerHub integration requires the ID, FirstName, LastName, and Email fields are sent to the post URL. Click on to add another line.  You cannot reorder the lines after they’ve been added. You can only delete and recreate them. Click on to remove a Name / Value line item.

    * When you’ve finished adding Name / Value lines, click on the Test button to verify the post is working as expected. A ‘200’ response code validates the post is working properly. Other response codes may require troubleshooting (view response codes). A 409 error may mean that the user you selected already has a member record in CustomerHub. Try testing with a different user.
  8. Click on Back to Sequence. You are ready to publish your changes.
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